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Type Book
ชื่อเรื่องArquitectura Expo 2008 : Zaragoza, proyecto urbano = ExpoArchitecture : Zaragoza, an urban project / [responsablesde edici๓n y ensayo = editors and essay, Fredy Massad y Alicia Guerrero Yeste]
ผู้แต่งExposicion internacional de zaragoza (2008)
ISBN8496954412 (Actar)
 8493547123 (Sociedad Estatal Expoagua 2008 S.A.)
 9788493547127 (Sociedad Estatal Expoagua 2008 S.A.)
 9788496954410 (Actar)
พิมพลักษณ์[Zaragoza] : Expoagua Zaragoza ; Barcelona ; New York : Actar, [2008?]
รูปเล่ม237 p. : col. ill., plans (some col.) ; 28 cm. + 1 DVD (4 3/4 in.)
หัวเรื่องSustainable architecture --Spain --Zaragoza --Exhibitions []
 Urban renewal --Envionmental aspects --Spain --Zaragoza --Exhibitions []
 Water and architecture --Design and construction --Exhibitions []


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