book cover
Type Book
ชื่อเรื่องCopyright and e-learning : a guide for practitioners / Jane Secker
ผู้แต่งSecker, Jane
ISBN1856046656 (pbk.)
 9781856046657 (pbk.)
พิมพลักษณ์London : Facet, 2010
 London : Facet, c2010
รูปเล่มxix, 204 p. : ill
หัวเรื่องComputer-assisted instruction --Law and legislation --Great Britain []
 Copyright and distance education --Great Britain []
 Internet in education --Law and legislation --Great Britain []
 Computer-assisted instruction
 Computer-assisted instruction --Law and legislation --Great Britain []
 Copyright and distance education --Great Britain []
 Copyright --Electronic information resources --Great Britain []
 Copyright --Electronic information resources --Great Britain []
 Internet in education
 Internet in education --Law and legislation --Great Britain []


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