book cover
Type Book
ชื่อเรื่องCooperation and engagement in the Asia-Pacific region / Edited by Myron H Nordquist, John Norton Moore, and Ronán Long
รูปเล่มxi, 509 pages ; 24 cm
 Sample Text
หัวเรื่องFishery law and legislation --East Asia []
 Fishery law and legislation --Pacific Area []
 Fishery law and legislation --Southeast Asia []
 Freedom of the seas --East Asia []
 Freedom of the seas --Pacific Area []
 Freedom of the seas --Southeast Asia []
 Law of the sea --East Asia []
 Law of the sea --Pacific Area []
 Law of the sea --Southeast Asia []
 Marine pollution --Law and legislation --East Asia []
 Marine pollution --Law and legislation --Pacific Area []
 Marine pollution --Law and legislation --Southeast Asia []
 Ocean bottom --Law and legislation --East Asia []
 Ocean bottom --Law and legislation --Pacific Area []
 Ocean bottom --Law and legislation --Southeast Asia []


148 ถนนเสรีไทย แขวงคลองจั่น เขตบางกะปิ กรุงเทพฯ 10240

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