book cover
Type Book
ชื่อเรื่องPrentice Hall science explorer / [program authors, Michael J. Padilla, Ioannis Miaoulis, Martha Cyr]
ผู้แต่งPadilla, Michael j
ISBN0131150863 (A)
 0131150863 (hbk. : inter. student ed.)
 0131150871 (B)
 013115088X (C)
 013115091X (F)
 0131150898 (D)
 0131150898 (hbk. : inter. student ed.)
 0131150901 (E)
 0131150928 (G)
 0131150936 (H)
 0131150944 (I)
 0131150952 (J)
 0131150960 (K)
 0131150979 (L)
 0131150995 (M)
 0131151002 (N)
 0131151010 (O)
 0131153803 (P)
 9780131150867 (hbk. : inter. student ed.)
 9780131150898 (hbk. : inter. student ed.)
พิมพลักษณ์Needham, Mass. ; Pearson/Prentice Hall, c2005
รูปเล่ม16 v. : col. ill., col. maps ; 29 cm
หัวเรื่องPlants --Study and teaching (Middle school) []
 Bacteria --Study and teaching (Middle school) []
 Biology --Study and teaching (Middle school) []
 Health education (Middle school)
 Health --Study and teaching (Middle school) []
 Human biology --Study and teaching (Middle school) []
 Science --Study and teaching (Middle school) []
 Science --Study and teaching (Secondary) []


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