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ชื่อเรื่องFlora Malesiana : being an illustrated systematic account of the Malaysian Flora, including keys for determination, diagnostic descriptions, references to the literature, synonymy, and distribution, and notes on the ecology of its wild and commonly cultivated plants / published under the auspices of the Kebun Raya Indonesia, Bogor, Java, Botanic Gardens of Indonesia, Bogor (Buitenzorg) and of the Rijksherbarium, Leyden, Netherlands ; prepared on an international co-operative basis under the supervision of several directors of bontanic gardens, keepers of herbaria and various prominent botanists general ed. C.G.G.J. Van Steenis
พิมพลักษณ์Jakarta : Noorhoff, [1948-]
รูปเล่มv. : ill. ; 25 cm
หัวเรื่องBotany --Malaysia []


25/25 หมู่ 5 ถนนพุทธมณฑลสาย 4 ตำบลศาลายา​ อำเภอพุทธมณฑล จังหวัดนครปฐม 73170

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