Type | Book |
ชื่อเรื่อง | Immunology / Thao Doan [and three others] |
ISBN | 197515133X (paperback) |
| 1975172604 (International edition) |
| 9781975151331 (paperback) |
| 9781975151331 (pbk.) |
| 9781975151331 (paperback) |
| 9781975172602 |
พิมพลักษณ์ | Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, c2022 |
ครั้งที่พิมพ์ | 3rd ed |
| Third edition (International edition) |
| Third edition |
รูปเล่ม | xiii, 394 pages : color illustrations, charts ; 28 cm |
ลิงค์ | Lippincott Connect : Please inform your necessary details (Name-Surname, Status, and Institution) to Library Faculty of Medicine |
หัวเรื่อง | Immune system --Outlines, syllabi, etc [] |
| Immune system |
| Immune system --Outlines, syllabi, etc [] |
| Immunology --Outlines, syllabi, etc [] |
| Immune System --Physiology --Outlines, syllabi, etc [] |
| Immunity --Physiology --Outlines, syllabi, etc [] |
| Immunology --Outlines, syllabi, etc [] |
| Allergy and Immunology |
| Allergy and Immunology --examination questions [] |
| Allergy and Immunology --outlines [] |
| Immune System --examination questions [] |
| Immune System --physiology --Outlines [] |
| Immune System --physiology --outlines [] |
| Immunity --physiology --Outlines [] |
| Immunity --physiology --outlines [] |
| Immune System --physiology [] |
| Immunity --physiology [] |