book cover
Type Book
ชื่อเรื่องMilitary service tribunals and boards in the Great War : determining the fate of Britain's and New Zealand's conscripts / David Littlewood
ผู้แต่งLittlewood, David
ISBN1138206601 (hbk.)
 9781138206601 (hbk.)
พิมพลักษณ์London : Routledge, c2018
รูปเล่ม184 p. : ill. ; 25 cm
หัวเรื่องConscientious objection --History --20th century []
 Courts-martial and courts of inquiry --Great Britain --History --20th century []
 Courts-martial and courts of inquiry --New Zealand --History --20th century []
 Draft --Law and legislation --Great Britain --History --20th century []
 Draft --Law and legislation --New Zealand --History --20th century []
 Military courts --Great Britain --History --20th century []
 Military courts --New Zealand --History --20th century []
 World War, 1914-1918


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