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ชื่อเรื่องClassical life drawing studio : lessons \& teachings in the art of figure drawing / James Lancel McElhinney \& the instructors of the Art Students League of New York ; foreword by Will Barnet
ผู้แต่งMcelhinney, James lancel
 9781402762291 (alk. paper)
พิมพลักษณ์New York : Sterling, c2010
รูปเล่มxvi, 207 p. : ill. (come col.) ; 29 cm
หัวเรื่องFigurative drawing, American --Catalogs []
 Figurative drawing, American --Catalogs []
 Human figure in art
 Human figure in art --Catalogs []
 Human figure in art --Catalogs []
 Artistic anatomy
 Drawing˜xPrivate collectionsœzNew York (State) --New York --Catalogs []
 Drawing --Private collections --New York (State) --New York --Catalogs []
 Drawing --Private collections --New York (State) --New York --Catalogs []
 Drawing --Private collections --New York --Catalogs []
 Drawing --Technique []
 Drawin --Technique []


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