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ชื่อเรื่องInternational Conference on ICT in Higher Education for the New Economy : selected papers (printed version and digital format) : 11-13 March 2002 Siam University Bangkok, Thailand / [hosted by Siam University] ; Association of Private Higher Education Institutions of Thailand in cooperation with the Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific and the International Association of University Presidents
ผู้แต่งInternational conference on ict in higher education for the new economy (2002 : Siam university, Bangkok)
พิมพลักษณ์Bangkok : The Association, 2002
รูปเล่ม197 p. : ill. ; 25 cm
หัวเรื่องEducation, Higher --Effect of technological innovations on --Congresses []
 Information technology --Congresses []
 Information technology --Congresses []
 Information technology --Economic aspects --Congresses []
 Information technology --Educational aspects --Congresses []


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