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Type Book
ชื่อเรื่องI will send my song : Kammu vocal genres in the singing of Kam Raw / Hakan Lundstrom
ผู้แต่งLundstrom, Hakan
 8791114322 (SET)
 9788791114236 (hbk)
 9788791114328 (pbk)
พิมพลักษณ์Copenhagen : NIAS, 2010
ครั้งที่พิมพ์1st ed
รูปเล่มxi, 237 p. : music ; 23 cm. + 1 sound disc[BCD3311]
หัวเรื่องFolk songs, Lao --History and criticism []
 Folk songs, Lao --Interpretation (Phrasing, dynamics, etc.) []
 Folk songs, Lao --Texts []
 Folk songs, Lao --Laos --Texts []
 Folk songs, Lao --Laos --History and criticism []
 Folk songs, Lao --Laos --Texts []
 Folk songs, Lao --Texts []
 Khmu' (Southeast Asian people) --Laos --Music --History and criticism []
 Khmu' (Southeast Asian people) --Laos --Songs and music --History and criticism []
 Khmu' (Southeast Asian people) --Laos --Songs and music --Texts []
 Khmu' (Southeast Asian people) --Laos --Songs and music --Texts []


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