book cover
Type Book
ชื่อเรื่องPractical atlas of ruminant and camelid reproductive ultrasonography / editor-in-chief, Luc DesCoteaux ; associate editors, Giovanni Gnemmi, Jill Colloton
 0813815517 (hardcover : alk. paper)
 0813815517 (hbk.)
 9780813815510 (hardcover : alk. paper)
 9780813815510 (hbk.)
พิมพลักษณ์Ames : Wiley-Blackwell, c2010
รูปเล่มxv, 228p. : ill
ลิงค์connect to resource
หัวเรื่องCamels --Generative organs --Ultrasonic imaging --Atlases []
 Camels --Generative organs []
 Camels --Generative organs --Ultrasonic imaging []
 Camels --Generative organs --Ultrasonic imaging --Atlases []
 Ruminants --Generative organs []
 Ruminants --Generative organs --Ultrasonic imaging []
 Ruminants --Generative organs --Ultrasonic imaging --Atlases []
 Veterinary obstetrics --Atlases []
 Ruminants --Generative organs --Ultrasonic imaging --Atlases []
 Veterinary obstetrics
 Veterinary obstetrics --Atlases []
 Genital Diseases, Female --veterinary --Atlases []
 Pregnancy, Animal --Atlases []
 Reproductive Techniques, Assisted --veterinary --Atlases []
 Ruminants --Atlases []
 Ultrasonography --veterinary --Atlases []
 Genital Diseases, Female --veterinary []
 Pregnancy, Animal
 Reproductive Techniques, Assisted --veterinary []
 Ultrasonography --veterinary []


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