Type | Book |
ชื่อเรื่อง | Leadership approaches to the science of water and sustainability [electronic resource] / Kristin Joyce Tardif |
ผู้แต่ง | Tardif, Kristin joyce |
ISBN | 9781799896913 (hc) |
| 9781799896920 |
| 9781799896937 (ebook) |
พิมพลักษณ์ | Hershey, PA : IGI Global, 2022 |
รูปเล่ม | 1 online resource |
ลิงค์ | Gale eBooks |
หัวเรื่อง | Hydrology --United States [] |
| Women earth scientists --United States --Biography [] |
| Water --Law and legislation --United States [] |
| Water resources development --United States [] |
| Leadership |
| Springs --United States [] |