book cover
Type Book
ชื่อเรื่องThe voyages and adventures of Ferdinand Mendez Pinto, a Portugal : during his travels for the space of one and twenty years in the kingdoms of Ethiopia, China, Tartaria, Cauchinchina, Calamingham, Siam, Pegu, Japan, and a great part of the East-Indies, with a relation and description of most of the places thereof ; their religion, laws, riches, customs, and government in the time of peace and war, where he five times suffered shipwrack, was fixteen times sold, and thirteen times made a slave / written originally by himself in the Portugal tongue, and dedicated to the Majesty of Philip King of Spain ; done into English by H.C. Gent
ผู้แต่งPinto, Fernao mendes 1583-
พิมพลักษณ์London, Printed by J. Macock, and are to be sold by H. Herringman, 1663
รูปเล่ม7 p.l., 326 p. ; 28 cm
หัวเรื่องVoyages and travels --Early works to 1800 []


254 ถนนพญาไท แขวงวังใหม่ เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพมหานคร 10330

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