book cover
Type Book
ชื่อเรื่องTeaching grammar, punctuation and spelling in primary schools / David Waugh, Claire Warner and Rosemary Waugh
ผู้แต่งWaugh, David
พิมพลักษณ์London ;Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Learning Matters, an imprint of SAGE Publications Ltd, 2019
ครั้งที่พิมพ์3rd ed
รูปเล่มvii, 264 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
หัวเรื่องEnglish language --Grammar --Study and teaching (Elementary) --Great Britain []
 English language --Orthography and spelling --Study and teaching (Elementary) --Great Britain []
 English language --Punctuation --Study and teaching (Elementary) --Great Britain []
 English language --Punctuation --Study and teaching (Elementary) --Great Britain []


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