book cover
Type Book
ชื่อเรื่องNineteenth-century literature criticism : criticism of the works novelists, philosophers, and other creative writers who died between 1800 and 1899, from the first published critical appraisals to current evaluations / Russel Whitaker and Marie C. Toft, editor
 9780787669256 8600
พิมพลักษณ์Detroit, Mich. : Thomson/Gale, c2004
รูปเล่มxiii, 481 p
หัวเรื่องAmerican literature --19th century []
 English literature --19th century []
 European literature --19th century []
 Literature, Modern --History and criticism --Theory, Etc []
 Literature, Modern --19th century []
 Literature, Modern --19th century --History and criticism []
 Literature --Stories, plots, etc []
 Literature --History and criticism []
 Literature --History and criticism --Theory, Etc []
 Literature --History and criticism --Early works to 1800 []


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