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Type Book
ชื่อเรื่องWriting diaspora : South Asian women, culture, and ethnicity / by Yasmin Hussain
ผู้แต่งYasmin hussain
ISBN0754641139 (alk. paper)
พิมพลักษณ์Aldershot, Hants : Ashgate, c2005
รูปเล่ม148 p. ; 25 cm
หัวเรื่องEmigration and immigration in literature
 English literature --South asian authors --History and criticism []
 English literature --Woman authors --History and criticism []
 Ethnicity in literature
 Immigrants in literature
 Motion pictures --Great Britain --History []
 South asians in literature
 South asians in mass media
 South asians --Great Britain --Intellectaul life []
 Women and literature --Great Britain []
 Women --Great Britain --Intellectaul life []


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