book cover
Type Book
ชื่อเรื่องEducating women : cultural conflict and Victorian literature / Laura Morgan Green
ผู้แต่งGreen, Laura morgan
พิมพลักษณ์Athens, OH : Ohio University Press, c2001
รูปเล่มxiii, 153 p. ; 24 cm
หัวเรื่องEducation in literature
 English fiction --19th century --History and criticism []
 English prose literature --19th century --History and criticism []
 Feminism and literature --Great Britain --History --19th century []
 Feminist fiction, English --History and criticism []
 Heroines in literature
 Women and literature --Great Britain --History --19th century []
 Women in literature
 Women intellectuals in literature
 Women intellectuals --Great Britain --Biography []
 Women --Education (Higher) --Great Britain --History --19th century []


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