book cover
Type Book
ชื่อเรื่องThe House of Government : a saga of the Russian Revolution / Yuri Slezkine
ผู้แต่งSlezkine, Yuri 1956- Author
 9780691176949 (hbk.)
รูปเล่มxv, 1104 pages : illustrations, maps ; 25 cm
หัวเรื่องApartment dwellers --Russia (Federation) --Moscow --Biography []
 Victims of state-sponsored terrorism --Russia (Federation) --Moscow --Biography []
 Apartment houses --Russia (Federation) --Moscow --History --20th century []
 Communists --Russia (Federation) --Moscow --Biography []
 Communists --Russia (Federation) --Moscow --Biography []
 Political purges --Soviet Union --History []
 State-sponsored terrorism --Soviet Union --History []
 Victims of state-sponsored terrorism --Russia (Federation) --Moscow --Biography []


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