book cover
Type Book
ชื่อเรื่องHear us out : [conversations with Gay novelists] / Richard Canning
ผู้แต่งCanning, Richard
ISBN0231128665 (alk.)
 0231128673 (pbk.)
พิมพลักษณ์New York : Columbia University Press, c2003
รูปเล่มxx, 358 p. ; 24 cm
หัวเรื่องAmerican fiction --21st century --History and criticism --Theory, Etc []
 English fiction --21st century --History and criticism --Theory, Etc []
 Gay men in literature
 Gay men's writings, American --History and criticism --Theory, Etc []
 Gay men's writings, English --History and criticism --Theory, Etc []
 Homosexuality and literature --Great Britain --History --20th century []
 Homosexuality and literature --United States --History --20th century []
 Male authors, American --Interviews []
 Male authors, English --Interviews []
 Novelists, American --21st century --Interviews []
 Novelists, English --21st century --Interviews []

 ศูนย์มานุษยวิทยาสิรินธร (องค์การมหาชน)

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