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ชื่อเรื่องThe 7th International Congress of the Society for the Advancement of Breeding Researches in Asia and Oceania (SABRAO) and International Symposium of World Sustainable Agriculture Association (WSAA) : toward enhanced and sustainable agricultural productivity in the 2000's : breeding research and biotechnology, November 16-20, 1993, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C : Program
ผู้แต่งInternational congress of the society for the advancement of breeding researches in asia and oceania (7th : 1993 : Taipei, Taiwan, R.o.c.)
พิมพลักษณ์Shizuoka : The Organizing Committee, The 7th International Congress of SABRAO and WSAA Symposium, 1993
รูปเล่ม27 p
หัวเรื่องAnimal breeding --Research --Congresses []
 Animal genetic engineering --Research --Congresses []
 Breeding --Research --Asia --Congresses []
 Breeding --Research --Oceania --Congresses []
 Plant breeding --Research --Congresses []
 Plant genetic engineering --Research --Congresses []
 Sustainable agriculture --Congresses []


50 ถนนงามวงศ์วาน แขวงลาดยาว เขตจตุจักร กรุงเทพฯ 10900

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