book cover
Type Book
ชื่อเรื่องEnglish women's poetry, 1649-1714 : politics, community, and linguistic authority / Carol Barash
ผู้แต่งBarash, Carol
ISBN019818686x (pbk)
พิมพลักษณ์Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1999
รูปเล่มxii, 345 p. : ill. ; 24 cm
หัวเรื่องAuthority in literature
 English poetry --Early modern, 1500-1700 --History and criticism []
 English poetry --Woman authors --History and criticism []
 English poetry --18th century --History and criticism []
 English poetry --Early modern, 1500-1700 --History --17th century []
 Feminism and literature --Great Britain --History []
 Language and culture --Great Britain --History []
 Politics and literature --Great Britain --History []
 Queens in literature
 Sex role in literature
 Women and literature --Great Britain --History --17th century []
 Women and literature --Great Britain --History --18th century []


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