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ชื่อเรื่องSustaining the future : energy, ecology, architecture : PLEA '99, proceedings of the sixteenth International PLEA (Passive and Low Energy Architecture) Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 22-24 September 1999 / edited by Steven V. Szololay
ผู้แต่งInternational PLEA Conference (16th : 1999 : Brisbane, Australia)
พิมพลักษณ์Brisbane : PLEA International in conjunction with the Dept. of Architecture, University of Queensland, 1999
รูปเล่ม2 v. [925 p.] : ill
หัวเรื่องArchitecture and climate --Congresses []
 Architecture and solar radiation --Congresses []
 Architecture --Envionmental aspects --Congresses []
 Sustainable architecture


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