book cover
Type Book
ชื่อเรื่องEncyclopedia of marks on American, English, and European earthenware, ironstone, and stoneware (1780-1980) : makers, marks, and patterns in blue and white, historic blue, flow blue, mulberry, romantic transferware, tea leaf, and white ironstone / Arnold A. \& Dorothy E. Kowalsky
ผู้แต่งKowalsky, Arnold a
พิมพลักษณ์Atglen, Pa. : Schiffer Pub., c1999
รูปเล่ม688 p. : ill
หัวเรื่องPottery, American --Encyclopedias []
 Pottery, American --Encyclopedias []
 Pottery, American --19th century --Encyclopedias []
 Pottery, American --20th century --Encyclopedias []
 Pottery, English --Encyclopedias []
 Pottery, English --19th century --Encyclopedias []
 Pottery, English --20th century --Encyclopedias []
 Pottery, European --Encyclopedias []
 Pottery, European --19th century --Encyclopedias []
 Pottery, European --20th century --Encyclopedias []
 Pottery --19th century --England --Encyclopedias []
 Pottery --19th century --Europe --Encyclopedias []
 Pottery --19th century --United States --Encyclopedias []
 Pottery --19th century --United States --Encyclopedias []
 Pottery --20th century --Encyclopedias []
 Pottery --20th century --England --Encyclopedias []
 Pottery --20th century --England --Encyclopedias []
 Pottery --20th century --Europe --Encyclopedias []
 Pottery --20th century --United States --Encyclopedias []
 Pottery --20th century --United States --Encyclopedias []


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